John c Fremont tried to organize an anglo revolt against Mexico in California.
also known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act; further boosted the economy by providing generous loans to veterans to help them establish businesses, buy homes, and attend college
Taft-Hartley Act
outlawed the closed shop
Closed shop
practice of forcing business owners to hire only union members
Right-to-work laws
outlawed union shops
Union shops
shops in which new workers were required to join the union
practice of limiting work output in order to create more jobs
Dixiecrat Party
a group of Southern Democrats who walked out of the Democratic Convention and were angry at Truman's support of civil rights (Strom Thurmond as presidential candid
The ultimate question is the question to the universe and how it all started and such
Answer: A secondary source of information is one that was created later by someone who did not experience first-hand or participate in the events or conditions you're researching.
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, English seafarers were often involved in attacks on Spanish treasure ships and on trading settlements in the Americas. These were carried out with Queen Elizabeth I’s encouragement, in an attempt to weaken the power of Spain rather than capture the empire. England’s main concern was the threat of invasion by Spain, and after the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, England could feel secure. Gradually England started to look to expand her own empire in North America, leaving South America to Spain and Portugal.