Generally speaking, after being an apprentice, a person would become a "journeyman," since this required a higher set of skills and expertise. This was not always the case, however.
The rise of corporations after 1865 was partially caused by the rising and booming capitalism which saw that very large structures and companies needed a different way of self-organization. For that reason organizations emerged as natural entities.
Wilo I know you are in 5th grade because I remember this question in a quiz 8 years ago. Just update your profile.
The Eisenhower era ,benefiting from the war economy was a period of prosperity. In his rule, America saw a period of peace, increased GDP, and prosperity of the masses. Almost every American was able to own a car. In addition, the infrastructure of the country was rapidly developed leading to emergence of suburbs.
The significance about Vicente Fox’s election as Mexico’s presidency in the 2000 is it had produced a new competitive electoral system and has encouraged coalitions to form to the left and right of PRI. Fox was the first president elected from an opposing party since Francisco Madero in 1910.