Since diabetics are not able to make enough insulin, scientists use gene engineering to make it for them. they insert the gene that codes for the production of insulin in the plasmid (circular DNA of bacteria ) to create recombinent DNA, and the bacteria will asexually reproduce, making more and more of the insulin in a short amount of time! hope this helped it took me a long time to understand the whole process in this unit!
To us genetic-engineering and produce a genitivally modified species.
It's the procces of humans giving animal the characteristics they want.
Melting of ice and island decreasing in level
That's what is called competitive enzymatic regulation. If there are more of that substance than the enzyme substrate, then most of the enzyme, if not all depending on the substance's concentration, will be inhibited on its action. If there are more substrate then the competitive substance, the expected reaction for that enzyme will happen at an expected rate. If the ratio substrate:substance is 1:1 then the reaction enzyme-substrate is very slowed down.