The correct answer is: The tetraploid (4n) flower produces 2n gametes and may then be able to self-pollinate to produce fertile 4n offspring.
Gametes are produced via meiosis, which is reduction cell division, meaning that cell from diploid (2n) becomes with haploid (n) number of chromosomes. In the example above, 4n flower will produce 2n gametes. Ovary of the flower produces ovule-the female gamete which is ready for fertilization. The anther produces pollen that lands on a mature stigma of a flower and grows a pollen tube down into the flower. Pollen then produces male gametes-sperm by mitosis and releases them for fertilization.
because the head fuses with the egg
The opening of voltage-gated sodium channels
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Depolarization occurs when sodium ions move across the cardiac cell membranes generating a change in charges and therefore the depolarization.
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because blue is being reflected, all other colors of light are being absorbed by the car.
Antibiotics are compounds produced by bacteria and fungi which are capable of killing, or inhibiting, competing microbial species. ... But it was not until 1928 that penicillin, the first true antibiotic, was discovered by Alexander Fleming, Professor of Bacteriology at St.