D. List all the supporting details from a story.
Sometimes, when analyzing text, it helps to immediately see the content being analyzed without having to search the work in order to find key points. One of the ways in which this can be done is to create a list. Thus, if one were trying to draw conclusions based upon evidence (or supporting details) from the text, a list with all of the details would be good tool to utilize because you would have the evidence instantly accessible and directly in front of you without the need to search though the text, which is inefficient.
Curley attacks Lennie because he assumes that Lennie is smiling at him. Curley thinks that Lennie is enjoying the insults made at Curley's expense. The insults are about the hand that Curley keeps soft for his wife, the "Glove fulla vaseline" as Candy taunts.
The question is from the newsela article, <em>"Missteps lead publishing industry to review diversity effort."</em>
The answers are:
- (A) The latest results showed the industry is around 75 percent white and mostly female.
- (C) Cummins is not of Mexican heritage but visited the country and migrant shelters along the border for book research. In a New York Times op-ed in 2016, she wrote, "My family is mostly white." She has one Puerto Rican grandparent.
- (B) to demonstrate the effectiveness of a diversity program aimed at increasing diversity in publishing.
- (C) She would disagree and note the changes she has observed since beginning her career.
- The information, "<em>The children's book publisher Lee & Low released a survey of people who work in publishing. The latest results showed the industry is around 75 percent white and mostly female." </em>conveys that empirical data supports the claim that the publishing industry is mostly white.
- In the introductory paragraph, the major concern of the critics is conveyed in the line, "Critics of "American Dirt" claim its story makes mistakes in describing Mexican life and culture. The misrepresentation of Mexican culture in<em> "American Dirt" </em>can be accredited to the facts that Cummins is neither Mexican nor was the cultural research adequate.
- Michaela T. Glover is one of the interns at the United Negro College Fund internship program. The lines,<em> "The organization WeNeedDiverseBooks works with publishers and agents to recruit interns. The program began with five interns in 2015 and will likely place 15-20 this summer. Out of 44 interns, 39 have since graduated from college and 30 have found full-time work in publishing, according to the organization.
" </em>convey that the program is working to diversify the publishing industry.
- Tracy Sherrod conveys her publishing experience in the lines, "I first came into publishing in the 1980s and at that time it was believed that black people didn't read. That statement was made to me multiple times, so we've come a long way," she said. "We're growing as an industry, but there will be some growing pains." Tracy Sherrod believes that the industry is growing.
Studies of Disease in the ears and throat, and nose.
That took me a hot minute
It is limited third person