Lincoln sent a ship to fort sumter in april 1861 because the union troops desperately needed food and water.
Fort Sumter is an island fortification located in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Fort Sumter is remembered for being the site of the first shots of the Civil War.
On April 8, 1861, President Lincoln sent a letter to South Carolina Gov. Francis Pickens stating that he would resupply Fort Sumter by force, if necessary, or peacefully.
The Viking Explorer Who Beat Columbus to America. Leif Eriksson Day commemorates the Norse explorer believed to have led the first European expedition to North America. Nearly 500 years before the birth of Christopher Columbus, a band of European sailors left their homeland behind in search of a new world.
The Djibouti Code of Conduct of the UK government. Helped Indian Ocean Trade since its commitment is to prevent repression and armed robbery against ships. Countries have signed this agreement showing mutual respect for their marine protection and benefits.