1.) This oath even forbade me means that this promise even prevented me. The answer is letter C. Since, in a literal sense, oath means promise and forbade means to prevent.
2.) It's more of the second statement - <span>I do not believe that the presidency gives me the authority to abolish slavery. Since in </span>his personal opinion, <span>Lincoln agreed that all slaves should be freed. But he did not believe that "the Constitution gave him the power to free all the slaves". He hoped that could be done slowly, during peacetime.</span>
Either trolls or bots
DO NOT use the link, it's most definitely either a virus, IP grabber, or way to scam you out of your money
u can say how robots are seemingly taking over our world and this is our one and only world; humans created these robots yet these robots are gonna soon take over our places in society ------ soon we'll be worthless while the robots become priceless to mother earth; our past actions to make the world a better one will all be futile as we have no longer any stand in the world with the existence of robots.
hope this helps:))
good luck for your exam too:)) u can do it
Whatever he touches becomes worse