The exams had hardly begun when it started to drizzle
"I" is in regards to yourself, you and any humans name are proper nouns that you go by. "a" is not a proper noun it is describing the quantity or the subject of the matter, Ex- [I] love it when [a] cool summer day takes place in my area.
{Bad sentence, sorry}
Condescending Connie, everybody hated her she was self centered and the only friends she has was olivia and Elena they were the most annoying but feared girls in the school. But there I was the new girl and well here was my first day.. I woke up to an empty room with boxes all over it was 5:00 am I just got the new Iphone 12 so i went on my media and started getting ready I took a shower put on some high-rise skinny jeans and a shirt i got from meeting cardi b and threw on a hoodie got my back pack said "hi" to my mom and went out the door went to starbucks and got me an iced coffee with extra caramel walked in to school saw the girls and walked right out .
The main clame is well its hard to tell i guess it s trying to understand how her grandfather had such a hard time growing up
Throughout many years within it's history; The English language has been divided into three main periods: Old English (which occurred during 450-1100 AD), Middle English (which occurred during 1100-circa 1500 AD) and Modern English (which occurred since 1500)