I am Roberto from Florida, and I am getting mamed in April My Cuban godparents used to tell me about weddings in Cuba. Before th
e wedding, the bride and the groom would not see each other because it was bad luck. That's similar to what I know about weddings in the United States. In Cuba, the bride's parents paid for the
wedding and the reception During the reception, the bride threw flowers to the other single girls I have actually seen this at a wedding I attended in the United
States The bride and groom received gifts from the guests. The guests also danced with the bride, and the men pinned money on the bride's dress. The bride and
groom would use the money to pay for the honeymoon
What would be different if Roberto's wedding were to be a more traditional or typical American wedding?
The bride would not throw her bouquet to single girls
The bride and groom would not receive gifts at the reception
The male guests would not pin money on the bride's dress
The reception would not include dancing or gifts
No me gustan esos zapatos. Voy a comprar . (estos) ¿Vas a comprar ese traje o ? ( este ) Esta guayabera es bonita, pero prefiero . ( ese ) Estas corbatas rojas son muy bonitas, pero son fabulosas. (Aquellos) Estos cinturones cuestan demasiado. Prefiero . ( aquellos de ahí) ¿Te gustan esas botas o ? ( estas) Esa bolsa roja es bonita, pero prefiero . ( esa que está por allá ) No voy a comprar estas botas; voy a comprar . ( aquellos de ahí) ¿Prefieres estos pantalones o ? ( aquellos)