He fears for Goodman's safety in the mob I believe. I read this story a long time ago. I think the reason why is because he was an older man.
Answer and Explanation:
Nissani first addresses the importance of saving forests in third world countries, as a way not only to promote environmental protection and renewal of environmental resources, but also as a way to protect communities dependent on these forests.
After addressing the problem of forest destruction, it also addresses what we can do to promote the protection of these environments and how we can charge government officials for these practices to be carried out.
Nissani says that firstly, we have to control the world population, doing family planning and promoting sex education, which can reduce overpopulation and the need for environmental resources. It also points to the need to create better economic and environmental policies in these countries, the need to optimize the use of wood and waste recycling, the need for financial incentives for companies and people who explore nature in a sustainable way. In addition, she says it is necessary to promote reforestation.
The author's discussion of the Pow wows shows how the indigenous culture is rich and must be preserved, even if it follows the evolution of society.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- The author shows how the Pow wows are very beneficial gatherings for the native tribes.
- He reveals that these meetings are moments of celebration, where the native culture is presented, respected, and admired.
- He also claims that the Pow wows have changed over time, following social evolution, but that they maintain traditions efficiently so that the culture is not lost.
This shows the reader how indigenous traditions are rich and can be very useful, fun, and important not only for the natives, but also for other citizens who recognize the importance of the tradition.
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