There is much evidence in the play that Hamlet deliberately feigned fits of madness in order to confuse and disconcert the king and his attendants. His avowed intention to act "strange or odd" and to "put an antic disposition on" 1 (I. v. 170, 172) is not the only indication. The latter phrase, which is of doubtful interpretation, should be taken in its context and in connection with his other remarks that bear on the same question. To his old friend, Guildenstem, he intimates that "his uncle-father and aunt-mother are deceived," and that he is only "mad north-north-west." (II. ii. 360.) But the intimation seems to mean nothing to the dull ears of his old school-fellow. His only comment is given later when he advises that Hamlet's is "a crafty madness." (III. i. 8.)
When completing with Horatio the arrangements for the play, and just before the entrance of the court party, Hamlet says, "I must be idle." (III. ii. 85.) This evidently is a declaration of his intention to be "foolish," as Schmidt has explained the word. 2 Then to his mother in the Closet Scene, he distinctly refers to the belief held by some about the court that he is mad, and assures her that he is intentionally acting the part of madness in order to attain his object:
The answer is b.false i hope this helped.
Ayer fui a la casa de mi abuela.
Esta mañana fui a caminar.
Hoy fui al colegio.
La semana pasada me fui de viaje.
Hace un mes me fui a italia.
Here is mine as an example...
Visual 2
Aural 3
Read/Write 8
Kinesthetic 3
I have a strong read/write learning preference.
I agree with these results because I learn well when I read something or if it written down.
ossify is the answer to this question as it means become bony , turn into bone etc.