<span>Sprang means to move or jump, rapidly upward and forward (verb)
Strand means land, mostly a beach, boarding a body of water. (Noun)</span>
A 5 year old because they have the ability to speak probably a full sentence. All you have to do is figure out what their trying to say
The sentence in the excerpt that shows a mocking tone is:
Like he could ever be an astronaut!
To mock means to make fun of something or someone in a derisive, cruel manner. Notice how the sentence "Like he could ever be an astronaut!" mocks the sentence that came before it. It is, in a cruel, sarcastic way, refuting the possibility of Jason becoming an astronaut like he used to dream of. We can easily hear the tone in which the sentence would be spoken in our minds - a laughing, ironic tone.
It develops the sense that the story is more legend than fact.
"He threw the ring and it did what he told it to do" Is enough evidence for us to assume that it is a legend.