I just did the asignment on edge
The Harding's campaign promises of a return to "normalcy," supported the adoption of an isolationist policy and a series of measure that would return America to the way it was before the war; this idea appealed to voters who were affected by the tension and fighting during WW I and all the damages it had caused, and to those who wanted to return to the way of life before World War I, adopt an isolationist policy rather than getting involved in international treaties or organizations (such as the League of Nations) and to focus on domestic issues.
tyranny, that person would be called a tyrant.
Ok, so obviously, you can tell that A. is not even an answer since his name is Prince Henry which is an English name and the Islamic empire never really reached what is now present-day U.K...B. and D. are wrong because Catholicism was in Spain and the Pope was also in Spain. So your only correct answer is C.
A. The Articles of Confederation only had one government branch.
When America was first created, many people didn't want the federal branch to have a lot of power, such as Britain did. When they created the articles, they only created a legislative branch (congress). With the rest of the power, they gave it to the states.