c. Some codons specify the same amino acid.
Codons are triplets of nucleotides in mRNA that is used for the protein synthesis (translation). A codon specifies a single amino acid, but there are exceptions. tRNA molecule contain anticodons, triplets of nucleotides that are complementary to codons. So, during the translation, tRNA carries the amino acid, that corresponds to the codon in mRNA.
Solids-atoms vibrate in place, there is a definite shape/volume; Liquids-atoms slide around, there is a definite volume only; Gases-atoms are spread far apart, with no definite shape/volume. Hope this helps.
Dung beetles lives in the animal dung and take nutrients from the undigested substances present in the dung. This dung is mixed with the soil by the beetle to increase the fertility of the soil. These nutrients is taken by plants with water through roots and makes their food in the form of carbohydrate from it in the process of photosynthesis. This carbohydrate is stored in different parts of plant body.
Heredity refers to one's genes
A frameshift changes every codon past it. A base substitution only changes one codon.
DNA is comprised of nucleotides (A, C, T, G) that make up amino acids. Every three bases is called a codon and represents an amino acid.
In a frameshift mutation, a nucleotide is either added or deleted from the sequence. This offsets the entire sequence after it because the reading frame shifts. Here's an example:
If another T is added in between the first and second codons, then every codon after will be changed.
A substitution mutation is usually less severe, as it only alters one codon in the sequence. These occur when one nucleotide is replaced by another one. Here's an example:
Let's say the first G is replaced by a T.
As you can see, none of the other codons changed.
Typically, a frameshift mutation is considered worse than a substitution mutation.