Love is a breach in the walls, a broken gate, Where that comes in that shall not go again; Love sells the proud heart's citadel to Fate. They have known shame, who love unloved. Even then, When two mouths, thirsty each for each, find slaking, And agony's forgot, and hushed the crying.
Old yeller used to steal food around the settlement.
Fred Gipson's novel "Old Yeller" revolves around the story of a yellow dog and how he began to become a part of the Coates family. The story focuses on the dog and his acceptance into the Coates family till his death.
Old Yeller used to steal food and meat from around the settlement. We also see Lisbeth promising not to tell anyone that Old Yeller had been stealing eggs and food because her dog's puppies were the offspring of Old Yeller. Moreover, we also find instances of Old Yeller sleeping with Travis in the bedroom so that he will not be able to steal food at night while everyone's asleep.
shortening the length of the original text
Summary is giving a concise run-down of the main facts or details of a writing or article.
Paraphrasing is rewriting an article or piece of writing using different words for greater clarity.
An element of both paraphasing and summarising is the shortening the length of the original text.