novecientos ochenta mil docientos
in spanish
1. Yo quiero agua. 1. Yo tengo sed
2. Ella visita Alaska en diciembre. 2. Ella tendrá frío
3. Ellos van al restaurante. 3. Ellos tienen hambre
4. Yo visito Arizona en junio. 4. Yo tendré calor
5. Nosotros corremos a escuela. 5. Nosotros tenemos prisa
mother husband brother mother-in-law cousin aunt curiada brother niece wife Father in law grandfather grandmother uncle cousin from Bart from Maggie c) Homer is d) Bart is by Hardy by Selma Margie from Maggie of say by Ling by Margey by Homery e) Patty is Marge is g) Mona is h) Clancy is Ling Homer's by Mona of Abraham of the by Narge by Ling Herb is Maggie is by Barty by Selmay
Umm this is what that says but i dont know the question
have a great day!
1. nada 2. tampoco 3.algun 4.nunca 5.ninguna 6. alguien