he could have at least made plans of what would happen and the decrease of money when everyone at home trying to stay safe. maybe made several anon cements before hand and had all army ready
He is shown with a bag of money because as a head because tweed's thoughts were dictated by greed
Nast portrays Boss Tweed as larger than life
Improving workers' lives but leaving society's structure alone
hope this helps :)
That statement is true
The commander's name is Carleton. By that point, the british empire already started to made effort to abolish slavery before united states. So Carleton believed that returning the escaped slaves to Washington would be dishonorable.
Washington keep pushing him for several years for the return of the slaves until he eventually gave up and asked for compensation instead.
Bryce Harrington, I believe.
Wikipedia by some teachers are not reliable, but if your teacher allows wikipedia, I totally understand that! The person who created the article was "Bryce Harrington", therefore I would think he was the article-creator. And wikipedia is a source where anyone can edit. But, in my opinion I would say Bryce Harrington is the author or at least the article-creator. The article was created in 2002, on September 24th.