Its A. A good example of this is the declaration of martial law in cities such as Chicago during riots because its in the best interest of the public to restrict certain rights in ways such as placing a curfew.
Fearing that his small group of men could not withstand an assault, Travis wrote a letter seeking reinforcements and supplies from supporters. The letter closes with Travis's vow of "Victory or Death!".
People did not need to travel for food, crops were domesticated for people
<span>Pegasus, </span>Chimera, <span>Griffin, </span><span>Hippalectryon, Hippogrif, </span><span>Cerastes, </span><span>Scylla, </span><span>Charybdis, </span>Unicorn(Monoceros), <span>Cetus, Ophiotaurus, </span><span>Phoenix, Drakons, </span><span>Ouroboros, </span>Crocotta, <span>Amphisbaena</span>