In psychology, moral development has to do with the understanding of morality that takes place since childhood and until adulthood. According to different models, we go through different stages in our moral development as we grow older.
However, moral development has two different aspects:
- Cognitive: Has to do with our thoughts and beliefs about things and their morality.
- Behavioral: Has to do with our actions regarding rules and morality, it's the way we act in moral dilemmas.
In this example, Professor Jones is studying how a person responds to the temptation to violate moral rules such as lying and cheating, we can see that <u>both lying and cheating refer to behaviors,</u> therefore, he is focusing on the behavioral aspect of moral development.
a.No contract was formed because the offer was not communicated to the offeree by the means chosen by the offeror.
Hello! It was an oversight on the part of the secretary to comment on the proposal informally, as it ended up contaminating the entire plan that the boss had in her new offer for Deanna, causing discontent because the contract was serious and it's converted in an unprofessional situation.
Thanks for your question!
3. a bear hibernating in winter
Answer: University of Ferrara
Deaf-Mute – Another offensive term from the 18th-19th century, “mute” also means silent and without voice.
The current terminology used in today's deaf community is deaf and hard of hearing. In 1991, the World Federation of the Deaf voted to use the official language for deaf and hard of hearing. The National Association of the Deaf endorses these terms and they are used by most organizations dealing with the Deaf community.
Long used to refer to people with disabilities in addition to deafness, but is now used to refer to people with intellectual disability, deafblindness, deafblindness, deafness due to CP, etc. preferred term. : the official language of the deaf community
Learn more about Deaf-Mute here: