La Casa de la Cultura o Casa de cultura o Palacio de cultura, es una institución abierta y accesible al público y que se encarga de generar de manera permanente, procesos de desarrollo cultural concertados entre la comunidad y las entidades estatales, destinado a la preservación, transmisión y fomento de muestras . english version: The House of Culture or House of Culture or Palace of Culture, is an open and accessible to the public institution and is responsible for generating permanent, cultural development processes agreed between the community and state entities, aimed at preservation, transmission and promotion of samples.
<span>where goods may be landed, handled, manufactured, or reconfigured, and re-exported without the intervention of customs authorities.
one of the most active in Latin America due in part to the well-developed infrastructure in the area. ( i dont know if this will help. sorry)
Answer:El chico se despierta alas seis de la manana.Yo me almuerzo a las once y diez cada dia.Mis padres se lavan el carro.Mi hermano y yo nos acostamos hasta medianoche.Tu te cepillas los dientes.Vosotors os banais antes de salir.Mi amigo y yo no lavamos lavamos la ropa.Usted se levanta muy temprano.
I know this is correct because i speak spanish
Answer:Choose the best option to complete the sentence with the correct word. Choose the best option to complete the sentence with the correct word.
In her short life, this singer opened doors for other Hispanic artists in the United States such as Jennifer López, Christina Aguilera, Ricky Martin, Selena Gomez and Lin-Manuel Miranda. She was not only a singer but also an actress and ________.
film director
book writer
talent judge
clothing designer