This means that public services such as bathrooms or water fountains could still be whites only or blacks only but they had to be equal in quality. (i.e the bathroom for whites only could not be very clean and fancy while the blacks only bathroom was dirty).
D is the answer it prevented the creation big business combining to make monopolies
Answer: there were many challenges that the American had to face in the late 20thand early 21stcenturies.
By reading the two poems "On the Pulse of Morning" and "One today" I was able to infer some of them. For instance when Maya Angelou said ’’ Women, children, men, take it into the palms of your hands, Mold it into the shape of your most Private need. Sculpt it into ±he image of your most public self. Li² up your hearts Each new hour holds new chances For a new beginning. Do not be wedded forever to fear, yoked eternally to brutshness.” She was saying that we had a problem with dwelling on the past and need to get passed that because to many people have worked hard to make our country the way it is today. So we need to look past how people, look, sound, and originated from and get back to the basic
Ivan III (the Great) Ivan III (the Great) (1440–1505) Grand Duke of Moscow (1462–1505). He laid the foundations of the future Russian Empire. By 1480 Moscow's northern rivals, including Novgorod, were absorbed by conquest or persuasion, domestic rebellion was crushed, and the Tatar threat was ended permanently.