A useful small Japanese calculator
Nymphs are the minor deities that care for nature. The most mentioned 'varieties' are dryads (tree nymphs) and naiads (water nymphs). They are Greek/roman deities, but only minor ones, usually dedicated to a specific tree/body of water. They often mated or served with higher gods or mated with mortals to produce demi-god offspring, e.g. Achilles was the son of a sea nymph, Thetis, and a mortal King.
In Cognitive Psychology ( study of mental process like memory, attention, perception etc), Chunking is a method of memorizing in which an information is broken down and then grouped together. Chunking facilitates easy retrieval of information.
Vikranth could easily remember due to the grouped categorization of the information rather than individually. He breaks the 20 letters and groups it into seven. It is a memory mechanism to improve the perception level and to store the information easily.