I would say the correct answer is B. hyperbole.
Hyperbole is a figure of speech that authors use when they want to exaggerate things. So this 'vegetable love' cannot possibly grow larger than empires - the poem just wants to demonstrate the power and intensity of this love by using the figure of hyperbole. A paradox would include two completely opposite things, and <em>vast </em>and <em>slow </em>are not opposites.
It is called Alliteration. Alliteration is a literary device where words which are adjacent to each other share the same consonant sound at the beginning. "<span>Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers" is an example of an alliteration. This literary device is often seen in poems. It is very evident in the literary piece "Beowulf"</span>
Generally, hyphens are used to join two words or parts of words together while avoiding confusion or ambiguity. Consult your dictionary if you are not sure if a hyphen is required in a compound word, but remember that current usage may have shifted since your dictionary was published.
It is the action in the sentence. A verb tells us that some act has been carried out by the subject.