The Quartering Act of 1765 required the colonies to house British soldiers in barracks provided by the colonies. If the barracks were too small to house all the soldiers, then localities were to accommodate the soldiers in local inns, livery stables, ale houses, victualling houses and the houses of sellers of wine.
In the modern usage, a democracy is a system where the people all
exercise the power to directly elect representatives from amongst
themselves, and thus form a government body, like the Parliament. It is
sometimes referred to as the "rule of the majority". Nowadays, this type
of rule is the most popular one.
The Soviet Union was bringing missiles to Cuba which America wanted to stop because Cuba is very close to Florida. America put a lot of ships around Cuba to stop the Soviet Union from bringing them the missiles. The Soviet and American ships met and had a standoff. If one of them would have fired, it would have started a war. To avoid this, the Soviet Union agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba if the United States removed their missiles from Europe. During this time the military was at the highest level of defcom as possible. It has never been as alert since then. The highest it has been since then was on 9/11.