The speech component headings (introduction, main points, transitions, and conclusion) have been replaced with symbols. Review t
he speech outline and answer the question below. (*) Looking for ways to save money?
(*) You can save money and bond in a big way if you groom your dog yourself.
(*) How much money do you spend on getting your dog groomed? $30, $40, $50 or more? Today I will demonstrate how to properly groom your dog and help you save money as well as bond more strongly with man's best friend.
(<>) Okay, let’s get ready by gathering everything we will need.
(#) 1. Gather Materials
a. Brushes (explain different types of brushes for different dogs)
b. Towels
c. Nail Clippers (explain how to clip nails without cutting the quick)
d. Cotton
e. Special Ear Wash for Dogs
f. Shampoo
(<>) Now that we have all the grooming equipment, we need a dog! Here Fido!
(#) 2. Grooming steps
a. Brush dog to get rid of excess and matted hair
b. Clean ears with Cotton and Ear Wash
c. Wash/dry dog
d. Clip nails
(#) 3. After Grooming
a. Praise Fido for being such a trooper
b. Give Fido a treat
c. Pet Fido for awhile and do the bonding thing
(<>) Doesn't he look great?
(@) Grooming your dog is pretty simple. Simply gather all the materials you need, then brush out the excess or matted hair, clean the ears, wash/dry Fido then clip his nails. After the grooming is the most important step so don't forget to praise and pet your dog!
(@) Although grooming your own dog may take a bit more time than just leaving him at the groomer's, doing it yourself is a great way to save money and for the two of you to connect more deeply. What could be better than that? Imagine how much money you can save in a year?
(@) Now that you know the steps to groom your dog have fun and happy grooming!
In the conclusion of his speech the speaker asks,“What could be better than that? Imagine how much money you can save in a year?”
This accomplishes which purpose of an effective conclusion?
A cold, depressing, long period of time where people are upset and broke from the cost of happiness; runny noses, cheeks rosy and never feeling dressed warm enough: Is it really the most wonderful time of the year? In my eyes, it is. Winter to me; is something completely different. A time where you wake up snuggled up with the heat blaring, a time where everything around you takes your breath away and a time where what you have is cherished most. What is truly so great about winter? The atmosphere changes, the spirituality really stands out due to Christmas and happiness is like the flu that we all manage to catch. The atmosphere in the winter, and especially at Christmas is incredible. The mood that is given off and the feel of it …show more content…
Something about winter just sends off that vibe, the vibe of closeness, love and true meaning of life. I can’t get enough of this specific time of the year, because it’s when most people come to know the Lord. It’s the time when family gathers together to come watch the Christmas plays, see the nativity scene displays and celebrate Jesus’ birth. This is the time when it hits most people, the realization of eternal life. This is such a huge part of my life and my experiences in my household. Also, I love being a part of the plays and all the fun activities in my church; it’s when I feel most comfortable and sure of whom I truly am.
Lastly, I feel a real closeness in the wintertime. I always have such a secure, safe, warm feeling because of my family. Every year we have our many traditions. The second week of December we go on a sleigh ride, debate for hours on our perfect tree and I usually saw it down, with assistance from my dad of course. We then drink some hot chocolate. Now, it’s decorating day. The day we get out the ornaments. Mom puts the garland on and decorates the house, I put the tinsel on with my brother; Matt, Dad puts on the lights; then we all pick our favourite ornaments and start the adventure.