Answer: BaI
any number in {} is small
Explanation: The idea here is that you need to use the number of moles of anhydrous barium iodide, BaI
, and of water, H {2} O
, to find the mole ratio that exists between the anhydrous salt and its water of hydration in the hydrate.
The correct answer is actually A. He freed Venezuelans from Spanish rule.
The Native Americans believed that nobody owned the land. Instead, they believed the land belonged to everybody within their tribe. The Europeans, on the other hand, believed that people had a right to own land. They believed people could buy land, which would then belong to the individual.
Muhammad's first revelation was an event described in Islamic tradition as taking place in 610 AD, during which the Islamic prophet, Muhammad was visited by the angel Jibrīl, known as Gabriel in English, who revealed to him the beginnings of what would later become the Qur'an.