becoming invisible because most people are afraid of heights so that superpower will remain unused for eternity. another superpower I want is mind reading so I can always make myself perfect for other people.
He will joke with Cassio about the prostitute Bianca, so that Cassio will laugh as he tells the story of Bianca's pursuit of him. Othello will be driven mad, thinking that Cassio is joking with Iago about Desdemona.
Explanation:his module discusses the stories we tell to make sense of the world. ... to tell a good story, you have to provide details that help your reader become ... Keep in mind that third-person stories can be subjective; you've likely read a short story or novel ... Once you've answered at least some of these questions, another helpful ...
2. Of course, we want everyone to attend the museum’s opening, but to WHOM should I send a formal invitation?