According to beowulf, after killing Grendel's mother (modo in Old English) with an ancient sword that he had found He beheaded her. He cut her head off to present it to Hrothgar who was the king of Spears-Danes.
I think it is numerically because we were just talking about Roman Numerals in the previous sections but I'm not too sure..
The lines from the poem The Lady’s Dressing Room by Jonathan Swift that would help the reader infer Celia’s social class are:
Five hours, (and who can do it less in?) / By haughty Celia spent in dressing; /The goddess from her chamber issues, / Arrayed in lace, brocades and tissues.
It is a satire about an upper-class woman’s dressing room. Women of higher classes tend to spend more time embellishing themselves than women of lower classes do. They care more about their physical appearance.
Major Themes in “Double, Double Toil and Trouble”: Magic and evil are the major themes of the poem. The witches prepare a cauldron by adding animal bodies, foreshadowing the imminent evil. In fact, the whole text revolves around their wickedness and prophecies.
i hope this helps. have a great day