Montgomery is the capital of State of Alabama in the United States of America.
Montgomery became the official capital of Alabama in 1846 when General Assembly of the State of Alabama passed legislation stating such.
A GIS is a geographic information system environment. It is made up of the people, hardware and the software.
The system helps to store, analyze, interpret and visualize geographical data in the software environment. It has the ability of superimposing different layers on top of one another.
Source of data for GIS area;
- Paper maps
- Satellite imagery
- GPS devices
- Digital maps
- Excel data
Two push factors are:
Unrest in a country, war is always on.
Another reason is that unemployment is very high so they can't find work.
Fragments of volcanic rock and ash that build up to form cinder cones are know as?
Fragments of volcanic rock and ash that build up to form cinder cones are know as Scoria cones. They are also known as cinder cones. They can occur as of discrete/ rigid volcanoes over lava fields etc.
Hope I helped :D