C- Separation of powers
Seperation of power is the system whereby responsibilities and power are divided and assigned to various arm of the gvernment inorder to ensure effecient and effective delivery of the dividends of democracy to the citizens.
This principle recognizes the fact that, despite the laws and rules of the federal government oft United States, the individual states in US also has its own power to enact laws that would enable it to deliver. This laws may be contrary to the federal laws.
We knew that Paleo Indians were in the Americas through the style commonly shared by individual groups called stone tool production. This lithic reduction tool adaptations were found throughout Americas. Paleo-Indianas as well were thought to have migrated throughout the Americas, showing variations of lifestyles across the geographic areas. There were even areas or sites noting this, for example in Alaska, northern British Columbia, and western Alberta.
Sophia was built under Justinian the first and he ordered many roman style corinthian columns and greek style hellenistic columns imported from Lebanon to support the structure.