<span>Wherever there is a doughnut shop, you will find a police car parked outside.</span>
Cloning humans:
pros- less work for an individual, maybe not completely cloning someone so like picking desirable traits in a person and changing that
cons- possible overthrowing of the "real" copy, families who have exact copies of each parent may end in incest, or even selfcest
But we already live in a world where there are real life clones. Twins, and triplets. I believe there's a Brain Games episode that discuss this topic.
the best illustration of an objective narrative voice as presented in excerpt from Infinite Jest is, "You are Harold Incandenza, eighteen, date of secondary school graduation approximately one month from now, attending the Enfield Tennis Academy..."
Correct Answer : Option B.
"You are Harold Incandenza, eighteen, date of secondary school graduation approximately one month from now, attending the Enfield Tennis Academy..." is the best illustration of the narrative voice objectively, from Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace.
An objective narrative voice is a voice or statement made by the narrator who picturizes the scene into words without making an subjective changes in it or trying to enter into another character or his mind. the voice needs to be in speculative manner at all the times to remain objective narration.