The answer is two and five.
The correct answer is False.
Every client expects and wishes to be treated with correction in an establishment. Feel well received, appreciate that it is important for the company, perceive that it is well valued. He also hopes that the relationship will be pleasant and that the bidder will fulfill his commitments.
These factors are valued in the customer service both face-to-face or telephone or virtual: courtesy, credibility, speed, personalization, professionalization and the tangible aspect of the service.
It is necessary to give a courteous treatment to the client. Courtesy is reflected in the consideration shown to customers. Treat them with the respect they deserve.
The feature of the insurance contract that is being described above is the aleatory contract. It is the type of contact where the individual that has been involved can't handle or control the event that could happen to him or her. It is a way of having uncertain events happening in the individual such as death or natural disasters that she or he could face.