A version or documentational writing.
Dead Men's Path is a short story published in 1953, and written by the Nigerian Chinua Achebe.
Michael Obi's character is an educator who lives in a village in Nigeria and is in charge of changing the educational unprogressive practices of the school. He works together with the priest in town as both want to improve the living conditions.
One of the main aspects he wished to do was the abolition the superstitions which drove many of the events in the village, and to convert beliefs into statements supported by reason and science. Obi represents the contemporary culture, he is young and enthusiastic,he believes in progress and seeks a fair purpouse. But he finds at this point the opposition of the priest and the villagers. Everybody blindly believed in their traditional superstitious myths, rather than in the completely new ways of life preached by a stranger.
The fourth alternative is correct (D).
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What do you think happens for him to react, was he his favorite person, daughter etc, or what?