2. D
5. Bcause his wife died and was sad
6. She found by following the bird that leads her to the door then later on the key.
Debates can become counterproductive to learning because it makes you organize your thoughts in a way that makes you think analytical and logically. Enhancing your higher-order and critical thinking skills is an excellent thing to do, but it can also cause you to lose your creative side of thinking, and it can stop you from seeing the big picture.
It's opinionated.
First parts only: Not accustomed to unit of math teachings
B: It's more effective to use colored chalk
C: Its difficult to memorize all of these relations
D: It's essential to distinguish the elements of the elements of a set from the "non-elements."
E: It's important to point out that elements of a set need be individual, but may themselves be sets.
F: It's impossible to determine the exact image in that case.
G: It's desirable to have a more simplified system of notation.
H: It's clear to see that the meaning of an expression depends on its context.
I: It's compulsory to give your full name.
J: It's necessary to do the measuring as accurately as possible.
K: Its permissible to cut [=] into 2 or 3 parts.
It's impossible to read your writing.
It's useful to use a heating pad.
It's silly to get upset over small things.
It's difficult to solve this equation.
It's important for your health to drink lots of liquids.
Its unfair to criticise him.
R<span> is for Ravishing, an entrancing beauty</span>
A<span> is for Athletic, a sporting talent</span>
B<span> is for Beautiful, as god made you</span>
B<span> is for Beautiful, you take my breath away</span>
I<span> is for Incredible, amazingly awesome</span>
T<span> is for Tactful, ever sensitive</span>
D<span> is for Desirable, so very attractive</span>
E<span> is for Exemplary, a class act to follow</span>
E<span> is for Ethical, an upright person</span>
R<span> is for Ravishing, an entrancing beauty</span>
The works of these writers have the broad theme of <span>the clash of modern and traditional life and Arab-Israeli conflict. They strike their own opinion with what's happening in the world through their poetry. As well as incorporate the realistic things that happened in their works.</span>