to spread word's of different songs and share them but never the flu
Your answer would be D.
The sentence that contains a dangling modifier is D. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. In the sentence above, "preparing for the experiment" is a present participle expressing an action but does not name the doer of the action. In English sentences, the doer of the action must be the subject of the main sentence. However, the doer of the action is not "several slides" (the subject of the main clause). Slides do not have volition, so they can't prepare an experiment.
As the doer of the action is not clearly stated, the participle phrase is said to be dangling. Consequently, you should name the appropriate or logical doer of the action as the subject of the main clause. In this case, it could be an NP such as "the scientist" or you can turn the whole sentence into a when clause --> When the scientist was preparing the experiment, several slides...
Answer imagery
Imagery refers to the way language can be used go represent objects, actions, or ideas
Shortly before President Roosevelt’s State of the Union address was delivered on January 6, 1941, Eleanor published her first My Day column of the year. The essay anticipated many of the themes the president would address in his speech. Though hope was hard to entertain, she believed that many Americans would nevertheless find a ray of hope by working together toward the attainment of “peace with honor and justice for all.”She then mentioned the goals (or “freedoms,” in Franklin’s speech) for which she thought people would be inspired to fight: “Justice for all, security in certain living standards, a recognition of the dignity and the right of the individual human being, without regard to his race, creed, or color.”
This Story Is About A Baseball Team That Wasn't Having The Best Of luck. Any of them could reel off a list of the team’s most famous failures. They weren't very confident for their horrible nickname. They didn't have any fans. The first had broken the heart of Danny’s great-grandfather Zechariah Gurkin, the second had crushed the spirit of his grandpa Ebenezer, and the third still brought tears to the eyes of Danny’s parents, Harold and Lydia and how that happened was the first time they were strikeout, The next time it was snowed out then the next time the Triple-Play Tragedy. They Had only won champion in their first year. After awhile the Sluggers won champion ship but never won a championship again after their first win.
I hope this helps. i didn't read the story i have some parts. I hope you have a merry Christmas or happy hanukkah.