The meaning is: much praised. It's an Arabic name.
It’s looks great very detailed and well put together.
A sentence with a misplaced adjective phrase is - The computer in the car's trunk needs repair.
Misplaced adjectives or modifiers are the words or phrases that are placed incorrectly. Because of such misplaced modifiers, the sentence sounds quite incorrect, and can also cause a confusion.
The sentence, ‘The computer in the car's trunk needs repair’ is a misplaced adjective. Here the writer should have made use of prepositional clause and the sentence should have been, ‘ The computer needs repair which is in the trunk of the car.’ It could also be, ‘The computer in the trunk of the car needs repair.’
A dependent clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a verb and cannot stand alone as a sentence.
who knows I didnt study for this, i have exams in less then 2 weeks I need to study....I'm in high school