Question 1- How do you think the sneak attack by the Japanese at pearl harbor, which killed nearly 3,000 Americans, impact the g
eneral public's view of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan to end the war? Question 2- During the war, the Japanese began crashing their planes into American warships in an effort to sink them. This tactic is known as 'kamikaze' and was very devastating to the American fleet. How does this image
(attached below) display Japanese desperation towards the end of world war II?
After the Japanense dropped the sneak attack, many Americans agreed with the bombing. They saw it as justified for the attack Japan had done to them, though this didn't mean there weren't some protest. All in all though, people were with for dropping the bomb.
Answer 2:
For starters, the desperation is obvious for when they're sending out their own men in suicide missions to sink American's ships. They were trying to do everything in their power to lower American spirit and try to end the war with a defeat, however that was not the case.
Memphis has a mayor, and the county in which Memphis is located (Shelby) has a mayor. ... that we ought to consolidate city and county governments, since Memphis makes up ... city and tried to incorporate the county with Memphis being the mayor for both.