Rule by a few called an aristocracy, Rule by many called a democracy, rule by many called a polity.
Aristotles believed that the best form of government was a combination of the best aspects of Democracy and Aristocracy, that form would be similar to the Polity.
The rule by one is called a Monarchy, and its negative form is Tyranny.
The rule by a few is called Aristocracy, were the best and wisest are in charge of government. The negative form is called oligarchy. In an oligarchy, a few rule but not in the interest of the common good.
The rule of many is a Polity, and its negative form is a Democracy. Aristotle believed that allowing the direct participation of everyone in a society (Greek democracy was direct) made a city impossible to rule.
The US Treasury invested billions of dollars in companies hit hardest by the crisis.
Taxpayer money was used to help several large financial firms stay in business.
The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was instituted by the U.S. Treasury following the 2008 financial crisis. TARP stabilized the financial system by having the government buy mortgage-backed securities and bank stocks. From 2008 to 2010, TARP invested $426.4 billion in firms and recouped $441.7 billion in return.
The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was instituted by the U.S. Treasury following the 2008 financial crisis.
TARP stabilized the financial system by having the government buy mortgage-backed securities and bank stocks.
From 2008 to 2010, TARP invested $426.4 billion in firms and recouped $441.7 billion in return.
TARP was controversial at the time, and its effectiveness continues to be debated.
Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries.
Arab Muslim forces conquered vast territories and built imperial structures over time.
Most of the significant expansion occurred during the reign of the Rashidun from 632 to 661 CE, which was the reign of the first four successors of Muhammad.
The caliphate—a new Islamic political structure—evolved and became more sophisticated during the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates.
- Congress set up House of Committer on Un-Acticities to look for Communists both inside and outside the Gov.
- Hollywood executives crated a list of some 500 people they thought werecommunist. These people's names were put on the blacklist
- Congress passed the McCarren Act, whivh outlawed the planning of any action that might lead to a totalitarian dictatorship in the USA.