1 Will you be going home striaght after school?
2 Will you be doing anything interesting this evening?
3 Who will you be planning to see at the weekend?
4 When will you be going on your next holiday?
5 Will you be having a party for your eighteenth birthday?
6 Do you think you'll be leaving home permanently before you're twenty-five?
i rewrote the sentences using future continuous tense.
it made the sentences less direct ^^
have a good day
the answer is ‘implied’, assuming that this is the definition to the word connotation.
Hol stands for Human Occupied Landfill Miscellaneous.
Most certainly Food,water and shelter that’s theeeeeew most important tooooooo survive until your rescued from that island
Should teenager have Cell Phone Cell phones have become an essential part of our daily life. Teenagers are the majority of cell phones users in the world. The issue of whether or not teenager should have cell phone has been a controversy for many years. Some people believe teenagers should be allowed to carry them around on their person and some don’t. There are various reasons why teenager should have cellphones; for emergency purpose, for academic purpose and for responsibility. The first reason would be the most obvious: Emergency purposes. In today’s modern society there are numerous threats that are just out of our control, with a cell phone this can be properly assessed and handle. Many new applications have been created in order to protect people of various ages from falling victim to crime and assault. The advantage of cellphones could be that you could report the crime within minutes or seconds and help identify the assaulter.