Los lapices if yo mean to say el lápiz in the plural way.
Contratar = To hire
Despedir = To fire/lay off
Solicitar = To apply for
Empleo = Employment
Desempleo = Unemployment
Ganar bien = To earn good money
Pobreza = Poverty
Riqueza = Wealth
Exportar = To export
Ahorrar = To save (Specifically relating to money)
Gastar = To spend
Capaz = Capable
Conferencia = Conference
R<span>eunión = Reunion/gathering
</span><span>Compañía = Company
</span>Contratar = To hire
Puesto de trabajo = Job position
Ascender = To be promoted/to rise
"Make sure you pack a variety of clothes, so you can have an outfit for every occasion". This sentence says exactly the opposite to what the reading is advicing. According to the readin, we should pack light.
"If you are flying on a plane to a warm climate, just pack shorts and flip flops since it will be hot there". The reading doesn't mention anything about weather and climate.
" Be sure to bring all your important documents with you in your backpack. Don't leave them in the Hotel". The reading advices NOT to put money or important document in your backpack, given that pickpockets could be around!
According to the reading the best advise is: " Pack lighly and just what you need but be sure to include a light jacket for the plane and comfortable shoes".
Nosotros means "we" and "Carlos y yo" means Carlos and I which also means "we"