Mainly Trench Warfare was popularized by the use of new mechanized weapons such as Artillery, and also because of the mass victories in the east on germany's side, Russia used these as a form of slowing them down and to protect their troops, but often these trenches hurt these men by disease, starvation, etc.
<span>The belief that the country should be run by the learned elite.
Imperialism, 1890-1914 By the late 19th century, many Americans had come to believe that it was their nation's manifest destiny not only to possess all of the North American continent but also to expand the United States' influence around the world.
The Christian precepts of mutual love and charity were also behind the development of institutions such as hospitals and orphanages, taken for granted today by many who forget their origins.
It was because of the shortcoming of the leader that assumed the position of Mansa Musa, Mali's most effective pioneer who kicked the bucket in 1337.