The excessive, distressing and persistent fear experienced by Jonte is considered a/an Specific Phobia.
Specific phobias can be defined as an intense, overwhelming and unreasonable fear of an objects that poses little or no actual danger.
Despite that flying seems like a high risk, the risk of accident occurring in air transport is very low compared to what Jonte might thought.
Therefore, the continuous fear by Jonte for air transport is known as Specific phobias.
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You want to charge a price that earns a premium fit , you want to charge a price that covers variable costs
The Spartans were very good in hand to hand combat. The Athens had a very successful navy. The Athens made an invention of the ships so that, under multiple people at once would row and it would have to stay in that motion. There is more but I don't know what lesson you are on...
The Israelites have been in Egypt for generations, but now that they have become so numerous, the Pharaoh feared their presence. He feared that one day the Isrealites would revolt against the Egyptians. Gradually and stealthily, he forced them to become his slaves.