Sever loss of infrastructure, loss of factories to produce goods and debts caused by the wars led to a huge downturn in rebuilding efforts after World War 1.
Two options are correct here:
- They were fleeing from religious persecution.
- They wanted more economic opportunity.
Since the foundation of the first English colony in the New World, people who decide to emigrate to the Unites States have been often leaving religious persecution at home, or they left because they wanted to live their lives according to religious rules not accepted by mainstream practices of their time. The other powerful motive for emigration to the USA is search for economic opportunities not available in the home country, or some material motives such as escaping poverty, famine or lack of farming lands.
D. “That is incorrect. The dynasty strengthened and unified China.”
The Qin dynasty (221 a.c. - 206 a.c.) unified China under the hand of Zheng, the young king of the Qin state, and his prime-minister Li Si. Zheng conquered the feudal states of Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi and adopted the name Qin Shi Huangdi meaning "First Emperor". Shi Huangdi was violent, unpopular and considered an autocratic tyrant, his government was bureaucratic and legalist, opposed to Confucio´s predicaments. However, important buildings such as the first part of the Great Wall of China and the terracotta warriors (found in Shi Huangdi´s tomb) belong to this period.