Your land and ranging ground was fenced off.
The barbed wire created an exceptional obstacle.
Origins of the Industrial Revolution. The first Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain after 1750. There were several factors that combined to make Great Britain an ideal place for industrialization. First, the Agricultural Revolution of the 18th century created a favorable climate for industrialization.
In 1932, America suffered greatly during the Great Depression. The President at the time, Herbert Hoover, promised many reforms and improvements that would help everyone get back onto their feet. Those promises were broken as Hoover did little to pull America out of the Depression. As a result, Hoover wasn't really well liked, during and after the depression. When the elections of 1932 came around, Hoover decided to run again, but Americans went and voted for Roosevelt, who actually did something to help during the depression.
It helped bring the South back.
It ended the war.
He was a general in the america revolution and was so well known that people chose him as president