D, the article gave citizens new rights
Your answer will be: Equal owners of property and goods.
The supporters wanted to make sure they'd get something out of it. Most of the other answer choices don't really have an overall gain for the people, as they wanted things for themselves.
A historian using the historical thinking skill of examining historiography might try to determine how much has already been written about a certain subject before embarking on his or her own project, since this historiography of a topic can help you understand the evolution of "thinking about" the issue.
The minority and majority leaders is often assisted in his/her role by one or more [Whip's], whose job is to enforce party discipline on votes deemed to be crucial by the party leadership and to ensure that members do not vote against the position of the party leaders.
The two classes are the proletariat which is the working class who make up the majority of the population within society and must work to survive