The speaker describes the juggler as one who did incredible things, as a man who got tired and one who won the world's weight (last line of the last stanza).
The description reveals that the speaker was among those who applauded the juggler.
From the poem, we discover that juggler was seen as one who performed incredible things. Some of the things the poem stated that he did was the table turning on his toes, the broom balancing on his nose and the plate whirls at the tip of the broom.
We also discover that the juggler got tired as some point and the things he carried began to drop. At the end of the juggler's display, the speaker was among those who applauded him: "For him we batter our hands" (Line 29).
I believe that many cultures have stories in which young people triumph over forces because versus adults kids think more outside of the box, just because they're not old enough to "make their own decisions" (as some adults say) doesn't mean that they're not smart enough to handle themselves. Kids also don't let weakness get to them they will keep going without giving up. Some kids books that are "Kids Vs Evil" are.. Doctor Sleep, The Death Path, Wonderland, etc.
the fall of the Spanish Empire
The Napoleonic Wars which had to do with the armed conflict against Napoleon Bonaporte in the early 19th century.
This conflict was mainly between Denmark and Sweden
One of the consequence of the Napoleonic Wars was the fall of the Spanish Empire
An adverb modifies a verb like adjective or another verb it answers the questions when where how and to what extent
Friar Lawrence is surprised when Romeo says he loves Juliet, because he was so recently in love with Rosaline, but he agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet to potentially end the feud.