Yes, because a simile uses 'like' or 'as' and as of course the sentence contains "as".
Sports and games offer students a lot of lessons and values. Other than the fact that sports is good for the health of a student, it also teaches students patience, sportsmanship, and appreciation of hard work. Patience because in order to win games, one has to maintain level headed and cool so that he will not cloud his judgment. Sportsmanship, so that even if one loses, he is not bitter about it and can even congratulate his opponent. And appreciation for hard work because attaining skills is not an easy task.
My favorite TV Programme is a show about games and wining money called "Family Fued". Its a competition where there are two familys and they try to guess words and get the most points, then at the end they win money. family Fued comes on at 8pm eastern time and you can watch it on different channels. I tend to watch it with my great grandma and we try to play along too.
It just means that you have to choose one quote, write about a book you've read from that perspective and talk about how it applies to something else you've read. Use details from that book. When I have a question like this I usually just ask my teacher because they know best. Ask your teacher(email because they are always there to help).