Ships....hope this helps!
This excluded a majority of the population: slaves, freed slaves, children, women and metics (foreigners resident in Athens). The women had limited rights and privileges, had restricted movement in public, and were very segregated from the men.
Direct democracy is a government in which everyone individual has an input on governmental decisions. However, due to America’s large population, it is hard to gather everyone in an area to make those decisions. That is why, in the US, we have a representative democracy—Representatives from each state represent their states decision in making decisions.
The correct answer is: An asteroid impact.
The scientists call it the extraterrestrial impact theory. It states that a giant, six mile wide meteor hit the Earth around 66 million years ago. As a consecuence, clouds of iridium dust and other materials were thrown into the air, blocking the sunlight for years. This lead to the extintion of the dinosaurs who were not able to feed themselves as plants didn't grow. Photosynthesis was not possible and food chains could not be completed. When the dust settled the greenhouse gases were locked in the atmosphere causing a general increase of temperature.
Lent is essentially sacrificing one of something in someones life, of which they have a deep necessity for like sugar or carbs, ect. Or doing something everyday that they didn't before for 40 days. Where Ramadan is the fasting of everything such as Sex, Food, and drink for a 30-day Period.