Any answer choices they give you before ?
Asia. It has the two most populated countries in it.
because 56.5% of all oil in the world is found in the middle east
By 1774, the year leading up to the Revolutionary War, trouble was brewing in America. Parliament (England's Congress) had been passing laws placing taxes on the colonists in America. There had been the Sugar Act in 1764, the Stamp Act the following year, and a variety of other laws that were meant to get money from the colonists for Great Britain. The colonists did not like these laws.
Great Britain was passing these laws because of the French and Indian War, which had ended in 1763. That war, which had been fought in North America, left Great Britain with a huge debt that had to be paid. Parliament said it had fought the long and costly war to protect its American subjects from the powerful French in Canada. Parliament said it was right to tax the American colonists to help pay the bills for the war
Most Americans disagreed. They believed that England had fought the expensive war mostly to strengthen its empire and increase its wealth, not to benefit its American subjects. Also, Parliament was elected by people living in England, and the colonists felt that lawmakers living in England could not understand the colonists' needs. The colonists felt that since they did not take part in voting for members of Parliament in England they were not represented in Parliament. So Parliament did not have the right to take their money by imposing taxes. "No taxation without representation" became the American rallying cry.
Shame motivates behavior in more ways than one. Shame can cause you to act with extreme power, or act in harsh ways, or sometimes in a more charitable way. It motivates you to use behavior that covers up an act that brought on the feeling of shame in the first place. If you are shameful, you can not run a city or country effectively, because you are not in a stable mindset if you let that shame effect your actions in negative ways. If you deal with your shame, for example: by accepting the mistake that caused you to feel shame, then learning from that mistake and knowing how to avoid making it again.