Since the introduction is meant to contain a hook and a thesis, I can only assist so much as I’m not familiar with this specific topic. However, I will try my best.
Thesis: Bradbury’s dystopians societies relates (?) to the modern realities of technology and censorship as...
After the ... add three reasons as to how Bradbury’s dystopians societies relate to modern realities of technology and censorship.
I’m assuming you’re using the book Fahrenheit 451, so here are some reasons:
- Societies become uniform and lack creativity or new inventions - Governments are allowed to control every aspect of the human population as they have destroyed every written evidence as to their true history - All of those who oppose them are taken down, like the Reign Of Terror in France.
Have a strong hook before you transition to your thesis, something that draws the reader in. For instance:
- An anecdote using imagery and metaphors or similes - Ask the reader a rhetorical question - how would you feel if you’re books were burned and you did not know your true history? - Provide background information