b. preposition (informal. They mean "around" Montreal.)
c. noun (thing)
e. interjection (something people from emotion like wow!)
f. adverb (describing how the person works: well... or not well)
g. noun (thing)
h. adjective (describing how the person feels)
i. pronoun (formal for "you in general")
j. adjective (describing the number of games)
k. noun (the thing that is being talked about)
l. adjective (describing the crowd, which is a noun)
m. verb (record as in the action)
n. noun (thing)
Baffled is what i think it is
messages based on the belief that all people in a group are the same
Stereotypes are deeply held believes that all individuals in a group behave exactly alike.
Stereotypes put all individuals in a group into one mould. Stereotypes are sometimes even held by individuals who do not know the details of the actual culture of the group.
Stereotypes are overly simplified believe systems about individuals based on gender, nationality etc
am not sure but the one that makes most sense is option D (will be)